Wednesday, February 13, 2008


HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY FASHIONISTAS. Every February across the country candy, flowers, and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine. On this nationally recognized day chocolates and flowers abound. You think to yourself......just what are you going to do for your sweetheart? First and foremost take into consideration it's the thought that counts. Getting your sweetheart something should be a wonderful experience and not an arduous task. Word to the wise....don't overextend yourselves. The most wonderful gifts are those that are creative and come from your heart.

One way of celebrating would be to transform your home into a restaurant and serve a romantic dinner. There are numerous recipes for romantic dinners available on the web. It's not that expensive and it's a much more creative way to spend the evening with your sweetheart. Not to mention the fact, you will totally avoid the Valentine's Day restaurant crowd.

Create a sweetheart basket and fill it with a love note or poem, delicious chocolates, mini stuffed animals, cards and top it off with some scented candles and a bottle of wine or sparkling cider.

Another option would be to take a sweetheart cruise at
Kemah. A simpler way of spending time with your sweetheart would be to cuddle up on the couch together and watch a romantic movie.

Then there is the more traditional way of demonstrating your love with flowers and candy. An interesting and tasty expression of one's love would be to send an
Edible Arrangement. Their delicious bouquets are filled with fresh fruit, some are dipped in chocolate. These arrangements are pleasing to all of the senses.

There are infinite possibilities for sharing Valentine's Day with your significant other. Don't allow your spirit of giving to be defined by what society says you should give. Think from the heart and allow the creativity to flow.

Gain more insight on the origin of Valentine's Day. View
The History of Valentine's Day.

One Final Thought Fashionistas.....Valentine's Day should be more about spending quality time with your loved ones and less about how much money you spend on a gift. Seize each day available to show your loved ones how much you love them. Don't just wait on Valentine's Day to demonstrate your love, tomorrow is not promised.

Have a wonderful Valentine's Day...whatever you choose to do make sure you make it Fantabulous.

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