Friday, June 13, 2008


Oh how awesome is the power of God. God is so many different things to each one of us. I would be writing for days if I attempted to make a list of those things. The power of God can not be denied. It is He who has made us fearfully and wonderfully in his image. Let not your heart be troubled...if God said it you can rest assure that it will come to past.

Be encouraged my fellow Fashionistas. You are a marvelous piece of work. There is none other like you. You are beautiful, majestic, specially made by the Creator Himself. Take pride in who you are and where you are in life. You are who you are and where you are at this specific time for God's specific purpose. Even when we are going through something God is still there. It's up to us to stop and hear his voice. Oh what a mighty God we serve. Oh what an honor to be a child of the Most High.

With God as your Father who could ask for anything else.

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