Monday, September 24, 2007

Introducing: The Fashionista Project


You might ask yourself….just what is "The Fashionista Project", and what is it all about. The Fashionista Project is a style and image movement geared towards uplifting, empowering and providing an opportunity for like minds to come together. Image is more than just the way you's the way you feel. Many facets of our lives are affected by our image. If we don’t feel good about ourselves we often times displace our negative attitudes towards our friends & family, etc. It’s high time we decide that we deserve to feel positive about ourselves and enjoy being the beautiful spirits that God created us to be. Join me on this journey as we discover the strength of ourselves and others. "It's Fashion With An Attitude" spread the word.



Delilah A. Alexander is a native Houstonian. She is a working model, actress and creative mind behind Image Essentials, LLC. This fashion model and actress turned Image Management Consultant is a power house of energy, creativity, enthusiasm and motivation. Her extensive background in fashion coupled with her charismatic personality and optimistic outlook on life has the power to transform the life of each person she encounters. She has been represented by Houston’s top modeling agencies and works with numerous Houston fashion designers. As if all of that was not enough, she lends her expertise and time to assist with the coordination of fashion productions for non-profit organizational fund-raisers and community events.

Founded in 2005, Image Essentials, LLC assists clients with defining and managing their image and individual style. Delilah firmly believes that each and every one can bring the self image of their imagination into reality, with guidance and assistance. No need to win a spot on a make-over show, Delilah A. Alexander is Houston’s own style maven and she’s available and affordable for you. Enhancing lives one at a time is what it’s all about.



Anonymous said...

Thank you for this Blog, I am looking forward to future posts.

vanjo214 said...

I look forward to upcoming events and fashion ideas. I have known Delilah a very long time and she has always been top notch with her fashion and beauty. Keep up the great work and I am proud of you.

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